New Orleans Fall/Winter Plan
al**@al*****.net – posted 07 September 2004 09:51
Hello All,
I request anybody who has an opinion to help me formulate a plan for the coming fall/winter.
I have a 2000+ SqFt lawn. About 30% is great dense St. Aug, another 30% is St. Aug spreading and plugging that is not completely filled in, and the reamining 40% is either common bermuda that I am also promoting because I cannot afford to replace it right now. Obviously this leads to a comedy act of care – I mow at several different heights (one for dense SA, one for spreading SA, one for bermuda). I have to treat with just image on some parts of lawn and Image/Atrazine on others.
Crabgrass has been a bit of a problem and I put down Image 2 weeks ago. I fertiilized and insecticided about 4 weeks ago.
Where do I go from here? When should I put down pre-emergent/fertilizer/insecticide from here until the next summer.
Also I think that I destroyed a good bit of my lawn last year by putting down Bonus-S too early and feeding fungus before grass was ready to eat, so this year I want to put down pre-emergent early before I fertilize.
ANy suggestions please. thanks a ton!
al**@al*****.net – posted 19 September 2004 15:13
No ideas anyone?
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
I am from the north and it has taken me five yrs to learn and undertand seville lawns. No 1…
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How do you post pictures...found link to images, but still unable to post pics.