Need some advice with shade…
joshua5438 – posted 18 April 2007 11:53
I have Bermuda sod covering about half of my front yard and the rest is hydroseeded bermuda. I have a few spots that stay shaded most of the day and I was wondering what I could do or plant… I would like to plant something that matches the bermuda but grows well in the shade. I am also about to seed my backyard that has alot of tall, full grown oak trees. What is the best type of grass to grow in a shaded area. It does get about 3 hours of sunlight threw the day…
Thanks, Josh
tommy – posted 20 April 2007 12:34
Zoysia would be the best match for bermuda in your situation. Seed is available on-line. Use any search engine and type in ‘zoysia seed’.
stunter – posted 29 April 2007 07:50
put down zoysia cavalier. looks very similar to bermuda, plus it only needs 3-5 hrs. sunlight daily.
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