Need help – replacing Bahia – 2 kids, dog, want shorter grass..
Tampa Rob – posted 24 October 2002 12:19
Hello-My Bahia lawn is essentially dead, especially the backyard, which my dog chases her tennis ball in.I’ve looked in to SeaIsle 1 and Zoysia, and SeaIsle 1 seems to offer a great blend of durability and “thinner” blades….Any thoughts appreciated, I’m worried that I’l sod with St. Augustine, and the kids can’t play on it – too thick and bouncy, I want a shorter grass, if I can get it. Little shade in back, some in front.
Also, any help with regrading lawn welcome – the super sandy base has created a wildly uneven surface.TR
George777 – posted 26 October 2002 21:10
Emerald Zoysia is an exellent lawn. It likes to be cut short and has good texture and color.
Tampa Rob – posted 03 November 2002 07:44
Thanks for the reply.Does anyone else have a suggestion? My backyard is a mess, it will need to be regraded, and I’d like to know if I have to wait until the summer “rainy” season, or if there is any way I can do it sooner, so my kids can get the benefit of the winter months (playing outdoors)?TR
Tampa Rob – posted 19 December 2002 07:37
Back to the top, since someone in a thread below said they had planted a SeaIsle lawn in January…TR
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
I am from the north and it has taken me five yrs to learn and undertand seville lawns. No 1…
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