Need advice on ridding unwanted grass from Bermuda Sod

cyberramtech – posted 28 July 2002 12:39

Need advice on ridding unwanted grass from Bermuda Sod. Excellent column, I have been working on my Bermuda lawn for 2 years and although I have been pretty successful in clearing the weeds. The non bermuda grasses are driving me CRAZY. I bag, I fertilize, water and still have a major problem getting these unwanted turf types out of my lawn. Some has advised 2-4-D but after reading some of the warnings, I have these fears of needing radiation treatment for the family Seriously, any recommendations would be welcomed. The only thing I know I need to do is aerate.

wdrake – posted 28 July 2002 14:05

You can find some suggested treatments in the Florida Lawn Handbook at–

frenchman – posted 28 July 2002 14:59

Do you put down any pre-emerge in the spring and fall?

cyberramtech – posted 29 July 2002 05:27

Thanks for the reference to the florida handbook and I did use a product by the name of IMAGE and it did rid some of the more difficult weeds but the problematic grasses are still here and I felt the image stunted the growth seriously of the bermuda so I am cautious with all of the herbicides at this point. I have treated several times with Ortho which seems to be painless to the turf as a whole. Thanks for the responses.

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