Mixing Two Types Of Zoysia

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12trojan – posted 26 May 2009 19:52

I had zoysia grass in my yard when I moved in seven years ago. I Bought meyer zoysia this spring thinking it was the same type but was mistaken. Now I have two totally different colors of Zoysia grass in my yard. What is the best way to fixed this problem? Will the two types of zoysia grow together and blend?

tommy – posted 28 May 2009 21:31

As time goes on, the color difference should be less noticable. If you want a true test of how different the colors are, mow both grasses low enough to scalp a little bit, and then fertilize the whole area evenly. This will bring out all new leaf growth, and show you how close each grass is in color. You may be suprised to find them closer in color than you think.

12trojan – posted 29 May 2009 16:01

Thanks for your reply. I have been very worried that I really messed up. I will give your suggestion a try.

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