Is this a fungus? What do I use to treat?
brevardgrass – posted 02 January 2006 14:14
I live in central Florida and my 1 year old St Augustine grass is turning brown. At first I thought it was just a reaction to the cooler weather we have been having (a couple nights dropped into the upper 30’s and others 40’s)… but typical Florida cold weather doesn’t last but a day or so.
The brown grass is mixed with green. It doesn’t take the shape of brown patch so I’m not so sure that is what it is. My neighbor’s yard is green… so I’m confused as to whether or not it was caused by the cold. Here are some photos:
This photo is from some brown grass I pulled up. This grass also pulled up very easily. Notice the black toward the base.
I was going to go out and purchase Scott’s Fungus Control (… but have not yet.
Any suggestions as to what this is and what I can do?
Also, does anyone know of where I can have a sample tested? I’m in Brevard county, FL.
Lucky – posted 04 March 2006 15:36
I have the same problem! Same location. Can anybody help?
nolejeff – posted 04 March 2006 17:59
Go to Lesco instead. The scotts fungicide does not work.
Empire – posted 07 March 2006 20:34
I live in west central Fl. New Port Richey to be exact. There are many St Aug. yards that look just like your pics. My guess is cold damage. I have Zoysia that looks the same. We had several nights touch the freezing mark. Last month I hit 27.6 in that big cold front. Lots of frost!
brevardgrass – posted 30 March 2006 21:30
Yes. I think it probably was the cold fronts. The grass is slowly coming back. However, now I have an armadillo in my yard. Recently I was replacing some mulch and noticed some grubs… so I’d imagine that’s what the armadillo is after. I’m getting ready to purchase some Scotts GrubEx. Can anyone recommend anything different?
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
I am from the north and it has taken me five yrs to learn and undertand seville lawns. No 1…
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