Is Palisades good for me?
txbowhunter00 – posted 23 March 2009 12:20
I live in central Texas, north of Austin, and most of the suppliers sell Palisades. I’m torn between it and St. Augustine. Is it the right zoysia for me or should I go with the s.a.
Dixie – posted 25 March 2009 13:04
You might consider JaMur Zoysia. It originated at Texas A&M and I would think it would be available in your area. It probably is the most drought resistant of any zoysia and disease resistant also. Cuts OK with a rotary mower. It looks similar to St. Aug but does not have the disease problems of St. Aug. Check it out!
saltcedar – posted 01 April 2009 05:18
JaMur is ok but in an unusually cold winter you could lose it. It has been tested in turf trials as being less cold hardy than El Toro and Palisades.
txbowhunter00 – posted 02 April 2009 04:17
I looked up Jamur and liked the look of it alot. What is it cold tolerant up to? It may get below 30F 2-3 nights the entire year. We usually only have about 5-6 freezes a winter. Is that with-in Jamur limits?
saltcedar – posted 06 April 2009 10:22
You’re most likely to lose the above ground portion of the turf in a sudden Fall freeze when the turf hasn’t hardened off. So in an average Winter you’ll have no problems, but once a decade it may have torecover from the Rhizomes below ground.
JimBob – posted 13 June 2009 17:04
I’m in Lago Vista on Lake Travis and have a beautiful plush yard full of Palisades Zoysia. Great for our hot summers and the deer love it thus I don’t have to cut it as much And it doesn’t require near as much water as St Augustine!
[This message has been edited by JimBob (edited 13 June 2009).]
Stan – posted 12 July 2009 09:57
I’m trying to get a comparison on how Palisades looks compared to Zeon and Jamur. Does Palisades have a longer slender upright blade.
saltcedar – posted 01 August 2009 08:35
Jamur, and Palisades are medium width, zeon is fine like Bermudagrass.
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
I am from the north and it has taken me five yrs to learn and undertand seville lawns. No 1…
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