How to shut out deer from lawn
churin – posted 01 March 2011 16:10
Deer roam around in my yard. The problem is that they leave feces on the lawn. It appears that my yard has become their favorite place to do that so that the droppings pile up pretty quickly. I noticed that they are coming from woods in the back side of my house so I placed deer repellents at each side of my house to block them from the front yard. But they are now coming direct from either my neighbors’ yards or the street in front of our house. Any suggestion?
[This message has been edited by churin (edited 02 March 2011).]
mrmumbels – posted 02 March 2011 13:53
maybe a salt lick in the woods somewhere?
churin – posted 02 March 2011 22:34
I am afraid I do not understand your reply.
mrmumbels – posted 03 March 2011 16:12
It’s a big block of salt that people use to attract deer. Maybe if they get a wiff of that they’ll stay to one side.
churin – posted 05 March 2011 14:45
I see. Your suggestion may be a solution if they come from and go away direct to other part of the woods. My observation indicates otherwise.
Houndawg – posted 19 February 2012 21:43
Deer and wild turkey seem to follow a path and come around about the same time of day. If you don’t have a dog, I think I’d try a scarecrow, or maybe a wind driven object. But move it around the yard ..
Houndawg – posted 19 February 2012 21:53
churin – posted 20 February 2012 10:45
That do not seems particulary scary to them. And what if there is no wind? After all, they won’t be able to see them because they come around during the night time.
pyro – posted 20 February 2012 11:44
we had a deer issue and came to find that a few wind chimes kept them out of our bushes
churin – posted 20 February 2012 15:17
Could you provide more details? Or, where can I get it?
Houndawg – posted 24 February 2012 03:33
If you have deer, you should be able to have a dog. I’d suggest buying or renting one.
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