Half good half bad
MK4570 – posted 04 June 2007 19:12
Any reason why one half of my backyard lawn would grow thick green full grass and the other barely green up and feel like concrete? Any tips/help would be appreciated!
AZBermudaman – posted 05 June 2007 10:04
A number of possible reasons :
Too little water & compacted soil caused that issue for me.
I aerated and threw down some gypsum to help soften the ground.
I also increased watering in that zone and even supplimented by hand watering a few really troublesome spots.
Then I threw down some calcium nitrate in the very early spring and followed up with Naturesafe Organic 5-6-6 and some triple 15 over the next couple of months.
Lastly, I threw down some iron/sulfur manganese mixture to neutralize the salts and bring the pH in line. It greened up really nice.
Now I’m just overwatering because I’m afraid it will go back
MK4570 – posted 05 June 2007 12:29
AZburmudaman, thanks for the tips. Water is not the problem as it’s been raining a ton here in Texas. I think you maybe onto something with the compacted soil, so I’ll give some of your tips a shot.
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
I am from the north and it has taken me five yrs to learn and undertand seville lawns. No 1…
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