getting rid of dollar weed
medorojr – posted 19 April 2001 17:44
can anyone give me any ideas on the best way to get rid of dollar weed. I put down scott’s weed and feed in march along with a turf builder. I also put down a weed killer in march, but the problem is just as bad now as is was then. Please help!
Becky – posted 29 April 2001 04:04
Atrizine (sp?) is useful, however you cannot apply it after temps reach a certain degree (read lable) Also, check to be certain the areas are not staying damp. Dollar weed likes wet feet.
Burlap_Etc – posted 08 May 2001 22:42
quote:Originally posted by medorojr:can anyone give me any ideas on the best way to get rid of dollar weed. I put down scott’s weed and feed in march along with a turf builder. I also put down a weed killer in march, but the problem is just as bad now as is was then. Please help!
Medorojr, Atrazine if not a Restricted Use Product on the commercial market has a label cut-off of April 15th. So this is a NO NO. So you want to know what to use hold please….. The suspense is killing you I know. Two products are out on the market Manor By Riverdale and Lontrel By Dow both can be use in warm months and both are expensive per unit but it is potent stuff! Manor is my favorite it smokes Dollarweed! Burlap_Etc
sicofturf – posted 09 May 2001 19:25
That is way to humourous. All those $$$ spent and the weeds win. Weeds rule!! It tickles me to death win all the $$$ is spent and couple months later half of it is covered with the weeds. HeeHeeHee. Maybe one day vainity will learn.
TURFTIDE – posted 10 May 2001 16:51
em ell – posted 25 July 2002 18:50
nobody knows haw to control dollar weed, isn’t that so? Damn.
WillR – posted 25 July 2002 21:35
If you carefully look at the responses in this thread (as well as about 30+ previous threads on this subject), you will find that your statement is very much off base.
It only takes a minute to look at previous topics. I can see no reason to beat a dead horse in the mouth.
Pumpkin – posted 03 April 2003 08:58
Here in South Louisiana we also have major problems with dollar weed. I researched, the net, and found a Herbicide “Image” that attacks the root system; which is the main way dollar weed spreads. I’m going to give it a shot, also I thought of using Roundup; mixed per instructions and using a hypodermic needle (for shots) will try injecting the roots…they are easy to reach and to recognize. Between the two methods I hope one will work.
quote:Originally posted by medorojr:can anyone give me any ideas on the best way to get rid of dollar weed. I put down scott’s weed and feed in march along with a turf builder. I also put down a weed killer in march, but the problem is just as bad now as is was then. Please help!
Sputnik – posted 04 August 2003 16:28
I used Roundup (stronger concentration than what the label recommended) on my dollar weed. The dollar weed seems to thrive on it. As soon as I pull fove or sic out of the ground, ten more seem to pop up right where the previous five used to be. Has anybody used Image? I have read that it really does a good job, but since it is expensive, I would first like some feedback from somebody who has used it. Thanks.
cboothe – posted 05 August 2003 12:41
Image works, but I had to make multiple applications. The dollar weed is still not completely gone, but Image was more effective against the roots than anything else I have found (including Roundup). You must kill the roots or it comes right back stronger than ever!
jr – posted 23 August 2003 19:27
i am an aquatic applicator, and dollarweed can infest ponds just as bad as lawns. in this case i use 2,4-D amine and it is usually dead in three days or so. 2,4-D amine is also labeled for turf use on some types of grasses but i dont know which. it is also much cheaper than image, which costs about $40 per pint. 2,4-D amine sells for about $11 for 2.5 gallons. there is also (obviously, since its an aquatic herbicide) no restrictions for use around water or wells like atrazine.
dantheman98 – posted 29 August 2003 17:46
Can you use 2,4-D amine in a small spring fed lake that has out of control dollar weed?
jr – posted 02 September 2003 14:18
I dont know what specifically you are asking. Of course you can use it on dollar week in lakes or ponds; that is what it was developed for and it has been around for almost 100 years. If your question is about the “spring-fed” issue, i dont see what difference it makes, unless the pond drains somewhere, like through a creek or storm drain or onto somebody’s property. It does have water-use restrictions after application on the label that you should make note of, particularly if other people use the water for drinking, swimming, or irrigation.
dbenedict – posted 22 September 2003 13:22
I have some riverdale Manor for sale if you need that particular product. I am selling it for $95 per 2oz. bottle.
tg*****@ao*.com – posted 29 September 2003 12:06
How do you apply anything that will kill Dollarweed when you have l00 year old live oaks and you do not want to damage them?
jr – posted 05 October 2003 07:29
You don’t use any of the older products like 2,4-d amine or atrazine, that’s for sure. In addition to being licensed for aquatic weed control, I am an ISA certified arborist (#FL-1146A), so I use the full range of herbicides and pesticides for trees, turf, and lakes. 2,4-d amine is volatile, meaning it will readily vaporize and damage tree foliage. Atrazine is residual in the soil, so it could be collected by the oak’s roots. It depends on what you are trying to accomplish. If you have a dominant stand of grass that you are trying to preserve, it depends on what it is as to what you can use. Image was mentioned in a previous post and would be fine, though it is expensive. If you have a complete infestation of dollarweed and want bare earth, Roundup or Reward would be fine. These are both foliar herbicides that won’t affect your trees. Reward would be faster and give you better results than Roundup, but it’s more expensive and more difficult to handle.
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