Fusilade II and Zoysia
andyd – posted 07 June 2004 15:00
I saw an old thread on this forum about zoysia and Fusilade II. This product was also recommended to me on a gardening newsgroup for getting Bermuda out of my Zoysia. However, I just read the label for Fusilade II on the web, and it specifically states “Not for use in home lawns”. What is the reason for this? Has anyone used it in their home lawn?
Thanks. Please copy my Email with replies.
ted – posted 07 June 2004 20:38
it’s a professional strength herbicide- you can’t buy it.
andyd – posted 09 June 2004 06:49
OK, but does that mean it shouldn’t be used on a home lawn, either by the homeowner or if applied by a professional?
ted – posted 09 June 2004 19:56
no it’s used on home lawns by professionals, only with chemical lawn care licenses, i believe. read the label for exact instructions.
Alex_in_FL – posted 10 June 2004 19:37
Fusilade II is the trade name for FLUAZIFOP-P-BUTYL. Home owners can buy a weaker strength. Its target pest is grasses. Seehttp://www.cdpr.ca.gov/cgi-bin/label/label.pl?typ=pir&prodno=31384 for information.
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