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jwelborn – posted 27 March 2006 13:36

I just built a house last fall, 3/4 of my yard is Burmuda, but my back is dirt and weed. The builder had put down some fuscue seed, but the area is so shady, it never took. During the winter I cut down about 20 small trees, but the area is still somewhat shady thus sodding is not an option. I plan to put down creeping red fescue seed within a month and hope it takes root.

I live in Athens GA and with the hot and steamy summers, will the fescue die?

Once I grade, till, and apply the starter fert and seed, will I need to top it with anything (ie.. straw, peat moss, bagged topsoil)?

Any tips would be greatly appreciated, I’m so tired of seeing weeded dirt and not GREEN!

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