Fertilize Bahia Grass when NO Rain is in Sight

ClemBert – posted 17 April 2007 19:57

I have 20 acres of Bahia grass that I plan to fertilize with 16-4-8 at a rate of 250lbs/acre (0.91 lbs/1000 sq ft). Here in Orlando it has been very dry. Will it hurt the Bahia grass to broadcast spread the fertilizer if no rain is expected in the next two weeks?

waterman – posted 26 November 2007 12:08

quote:Originally posted by ClemBert:I have 20 acres of Bahia grass that I plan to fertilize with 16-4-8 at a rate of 250lbs/acre (0.91 lbs/1000 sq ft). Here in Orlando it has been very dry. Will it hurt the Bahia grass to broadcast spread the fertilizer if no rain is expected in the next two weeks?

depends if it slow release or not. slow release will probably not burn. Since you are in a drought I would hold off on the fertilizing until normal rainfall returns. This grass normally requires little fertilizer so check with someone about this

seed – posted 28 November 2007 22:49

Fertilization in winter is not a good idea for bahiagrass. It shuts down in winter, especially in your area. Even if you can get bahiagrass to green up during winter, the winter weeds will be given a strong advantage by fertilizing out of season. Phil

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