Evergreen Magnolia tree
need tree help – posted 08 May 2003 10:25
I want to build an out door fireplace 25 feet from my 30 foot Evergreen Magnolia tree. This means I have to dig into the root system to put footings in. Do the trees roots reach that far out? If so will it harm the tree in any way if I dig into the roots?Also will the smoke from the fireplace harm the tree?Thanks for any input.
wdrake – posted 28 May 2003 09:26
My guesses:1. You’ll probably encounter some roots at 25 feet. Whether you’ll do permanent damage to the tree at that distance is questionable. 2. Unless you use the fireplace almost full time I can’t see the smoke being a serious problem.
If you proceed with your project and the tree ends up dead; Magnolia makes great firewood!
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