Deciding if my Bermuda can be overseeded
LDW – posted 29 April 2006 21:23
I am the third owner of my home and am not sure if my Bermuda is from sod or seed. Is there any way to tell? I am considering overseeding and topdressing the lawn and seed a spot where I removed a tree. However, I have read on a few websites that bermuda sod and seed look bad together. Recommendations of who to procure the seed from would be helpful as well. I have been looking at Scotts Premium Bermudaseed at Lowes. If you have not figured it out already, I don’t know much about lawns.
wrangler – posted 29 April 2006 21:53
LDWScotts Premium Bermudagrass is much less than premium if you are in the northern tier of the “transition zone”. It has no tollerance to winter kill at all. The only turf seeded bermudagrass that have winter tollerance are the Oklahoma State pedigrees Riviera and Yukon.Are you in a transition zone state ei. Arkansas, Oklahoma, Tennessee?
LDW – posted 29 April 2006 22:10
I live in Birmingham Alabama
okgrassguy – posted 29 April 2006 22:30
I overseeded my u3 bermuda with Riviera in attempt to improve it. I second the Riviera or Yukon. I would even check out a blend like bermuda triangle.
CanesForever – posted 06 May 2006 15:00
I put sod down last summer behind my new home (builder left me with nothing but fescue seed out back) and then overseeded with bermuda triangle a few weeks ago. I may have messed up by seeding too early (we’ve had some chilly days in the meantime), but where the new seeds are sprouting to life, it doesn’t look any different than the sod that greened back up recently.
[This message has been edited by CanesForever (edited 06 May 2006).]
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