Crabby Grass
frankgators – posted 30 June 2003 20:09
Anyone have any thoughts on areas that are used by the dog to do her business? The St. Augustine grass in this area is much more susceptible to browning and crabgrass is the major predator.
Finally, how can I effectively rid myself of the crabgrass?Thanks for your help,-Maryanne
Will-PCB – posted 01 July 2003 12:08
I dont know the answer to your problem, but if you figure out a way to completely rid yourself of crab grass, then please let me know.
Dchall_San_Antonio – posted 01 July 2003 12:59
This may sound funny getting Florida based advice from a Texan on a Florida-based list, but the completely unofficial word I get from the Florida extension service is that baking soda dusted on the crabgrass will turn it black (dead) within one week without harming other grasses. If they could officially recommend it, they would recommend putting baking soda into a sock and whacking the sock against the crabgrass to dust it on. Folks who have tried it in Texas report excellent results.
If you have large patches of crabgrass, I would dust freely. If you have small patches, or as you near the perimeter of the weeds, I would be a little more experimental with it for fear of the other grasses. Apparently baking soda works fine with bermuda as the host turf.
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
I am from the north and it has taken me five yrs to learn and undertand seville lawns. No 1…
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