“common” Bermuda
GrassRookie – posted 04 May 2003 21:52
Hi Gang,
I have what around here is reffered to as “common bermuda.” It is not sod, just the sort that kinda springs up in older yards. What I want to do is “thicken” up this common bermuda as ground cover for a very large back yard that I can’t afford to sod right now.
The bermuda is already greening up, yet it is full of henbit and other common weeds to this area (North Alabama). What would be the recommendations from you guys to get this stuff out and get the bermuda on the right track?
Thanks for any and all the help.
wdrake – posted 05 May 2003 05:38
Checkout the weed control guide at:
Marcus – posted 27 May 2003 17:15
My last yard I had common Bermuda. I found that if you fertilize heavily and mow short, about an inch or inch and a quarter, the Bermuda will choke out about any thing else. Especially when it starts getting hot. Spot spray w/ MSMA for any broadleaf weeds and 2-4-D for all others. You’ll have a beatiful yard in no time.
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