Buffalo Grass
MaryMcP – posted 30 January 2005 07:29
I live in Phoenix Arizona and am thinking of planting my full-sun, small front yard with buffalo grass surrounded by wide border of ornamental grasses and lavender.
My husband says that buffalo grass is extremely invasive and we would have a constant struggle to contain its growth in the area intended for it. We are attracted to buffalo grass because it requires little water, little maintenance and will grow in clay soil. The plan is to use plugs instead of sod for economical reasons. Anyone have comments on the invasiveness factor? Any other comments? Thanks! Mary
mikemaas00 – posted 01 February 2005 08:42
Buffalo grass is not invasive. Easily stopped by cultivation and doesn’t need much maintenance. It won’t look as nice as bermuda, but it’s less work.
MaryMcP – posted 05 February 2005 06:20
Mike, I’m not sure what you mean by “easily stopped by cultivation.” Cultivation? I thought cultivation meant PROMOTING growth. Could you explain please? Thanks. Mary
ted – posted 05 February 2005 11:45
i think he means by weedeating, manually removing, and fertilization practices.
Leisle – posted 10 February 2005 09:56
Buffalo is NOT invasive at all. I have 609 in my front and backyards. It does not require water but it is very sensitive to any foot traffic and recovers poorly.
MaryMcP – posted 11 February 2005 04:24
Leslie, Thanks for your comments. Not sure why your buffalo grass will not withstand foot traffic. The variety I’m thinking of is from High Country Gardens, it’s called Legacy and here’s what they say about it:
Propagated from cuttings, this pollen-free buffalo grass is exceptionally robust, spreading quickly with vigorous runners to form a dense, inviting deep green lawn that withstands heavy foot traffic, pests and diseases
In reading your other thread it looks like you have a shady yard, maybe that has somethign to do with it.(?) Good luck with finding a solution.
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