Best Grass Type for Lawn Striping Residential
Zooma – posted 24 October 2004 16:37
I live in Buffalo, NY (Cool Season Turfgrass). Would anyone have any idea or info. (where to look) for best grass type that would highlight (show) lawn striping (the best)that I do. I have a lawn striper (roller) attached to the back of my lawn mower that stripes the lawn. I will be installing a new lawn and was wandering what type of grass would be best.
cohiba – posted 24 October 2004 16:53
I have seen many types of lawns stripped. I think you would be ok with either Bluegrass or perennial ryegrass. Fescue not as well. The best thing about ryegrass is it will handle as low as 1/2″ HOC. Bluegrass will not handle lower than 1 1/4″ HOC. The shorter the turf the better the stripping. If you go to straight ryegrass you will never (yes never) have a problem with thatch. But be warned that a fungicide treatment around Labor Day will be needed to ward off Gray Leaf Spot, a devastating disease of Perennial Ryegrass.
Happy Stripping
Zooma – posted 19 November 2004 16:58
quote:Originally posted by cohiba:Dave,
I was kind of figuring those two grass types for sure, however I was also told and familiar with striping in that the better striping is at a longer HOC? I aslo have experienced myself (around 2-2.5 HOC), a good striping. So, would you recommend a blend of KB Grass and Perannial Rye that is suited for my climate or a straight one type, I have vast experience in lawn care, and I could give very high maintenace if need be. What are the color differences btwn both types? Both build very dense, thick, lush turfs correct, except KB has the tillers instead?
Do you stripe your golf course grass (u are a superintendent)?
Any other internet sites/Chat Forums/Experts, that i can go to research this further, this is very important to me.
I have seen many types of lawns stripped. I think you would be ok with either Bluegrass or perennial ryegrass. Fescue not as well. The best thing about ryegrass is it will handle as low as 1/2″ HOC. Bluegrass will not handle lower than 1 1/4″ HOC. The shorter the turf the better the stripping. If you go to straight ryegrass you will never (yes never) have a problem with thatch. But be warned that a fungicide treatment around Labor Day will be needed to ward off Gray Leaf Spot, a devastating disease of Perennial Ryegrass.
Happy Stripping
cohiba – posted 20 November 2004 10:42
I have seen nice striping on 2-2.5″ HOC. However, it only lasts a day or two. The reason for this, I believe, is that the turf stands up and grows out of the stripe. Shorter cut turf needs to be cut more often, hence the turf doen’t have the chance to grow out of its stripe. Bentgrass greens have great stripes that can be “burned” into the surface (by mowing each stripe in the same direction each time). Bentgrass may be a good alternative but will require more fungicide inputs, water and fertilizer. I would also caution you about thatch and insects. Winter kill and poa are alos major concerns. Bentgrass in NJ needs to be sprayed every 21 days during the season and every 10-14 days during the heat of the summer. Snow mold is a major problem in areas of the northern states. The list of homeowner available chemicals is short compared to golf courses. For those reasons I would suggest you use a fairway type of bluegrass and a perennial ryegrass. 1″ is a nice hieght of cut and a reel mower is bestfor this. The thatch is not as bad as with bentgrass. The disease and insect problems are easier to manage. The list of available pesticides is more varied. As for color: I would take a little time and go to and look at the different test results for the different varieties. They have one for genetic color as well. The better seed varieties are not available through Lowes or Home Depot. You must go to a seed distributor. Lesco, UHS or someone in your area. Remember, Golf Courses get the good stuff.
I hope all this helps make a hard dicision a little easier.
Good Luck and take care.
Bushwhacked – posted 30 December 2004 15:19
Zooma, try, full of information from LCO’s. Do a search for striping,stripes, or pro-slide. On there they have pics and some guys like curves instead of just straight lines.
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