Bermuda over Bahia?
seanford – posted 12 July 2004 21:43
Can I plant Bermuda seeds on my exiting Bahia grass?
How long would it take for the bermuda grass to take over?
Can I use seeds or must I use sod?
I just installed sprinklers and can control the watering (aside from the occasional Florida T-storms).
Now that I’m on the topic….how often should I water a new Bermuda Grass lawn.
seanford – posted 27 July 2004 13:02
BaHateIt – posted 29 July 2004 12:30
I have also asked this question and have received an answer on another forum, but still no one else who has tried it.
I have bahia and I am testing an area with bermuda seed. I hope it takes over quickly. As to how quickly it takes over, I don’t know. I can take a guess though. We were experimenting with seeds about 2 months ago. The seed was a mixture with 30% bermuda. Since then I have mowed the bahia much shorter than it’s supposed to be and now it would seem as though the bermuda has been given a chance to take over by doing that. I think it’s stronger than the bahia but it’s not growing as fast as bahia (Thankyougod for this wonderful specimin).
Since it is growing in areas of the yard where the seeds have drifted with rain water and wind, you may have to overseed 2 or 3 times to have solid coverage. Then keep scalping your bahia weekly or every other month and the bermuda will be all that you see.
Another idea is to take a post hole digger and remove 6″ dia holes of bahia every foot or so. Then drop a lot of seeds in the circle. The should cause the bermuda to spread without seeding the whole lawn but wil ltake longer obviously.
This is the most experience I have with this, as I have not seeded the entire yard yet.
Depending on where you are in FL, you may be running out of time to do this though, so get to it. Try a small area and see if you like it.
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
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