doughboy – posted 12 May 2005 17:15
i put a hybrid bermuda grass on the side of my house for a putting green. It doesn’t get much sun. will it grow and be “puttable”
KyleinMarietta – posted 12 May 2005 20:11
Bermuda will thin and eventually die if it doesn’t get several hours of sun each day.
tommy – posted 13 May 2005 12:56
Where do you live? If your in a hot weather area, wait till fall and over-seed the bermuda with ‘true putt’ poa grass.(available at- If your in a cooler area, you can over-seed it now. Scalp the bermuda down before seeding, but don’t put a chemical down to kill it completely. You want some bermuda for its wear tolerance and disease resistance.
RLines – posted 18 May 2005 21:34
Depends on what kind of Bermuda you put down. Most Bermudas are not puttable. If you have a Tif Eagle or some kind of dwarf putting variety , yes.If you do you would know. It’s usually available only for golf courses and extremely expensive.In order to be puttable depends on how well you constructed the base. Did you put a layer of crushed limestone and then granite topped with enriched topsoil grading it so that it fully drenches the soil, but never sits on it for long? Did you roll your green? Do you mow it 3-5 times a week with a reel mower and catch the clippings?
Then you can putt!
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