Bentgrass roots

frenchman – posted 16 August 2002 20:08

I took over as the Superintendent about two months at a golf course in Ky. When I took over the greens were in very bad shape, but they have turned around 100%. I have SR1020 bentgrass and the roots are only 1/4 of an inch. You talking about alot of work to keep these greens from burning up. My question is, has anyone been in this situation, if so I would like some info on what type of fertilizers program you followed. I know my fertilizers, but I want some other opinions. Also, I have some type of bees digging holes in my greens making holes 1inch and making piles of sand all over my greens. It seems like they go from one to the other. I sprayed Dursban Pro and Dylox and it doesn’t seem to bother them. Any help will be great.

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