aerating before sodding
Glevin – posted 01 March 2011 21:20
I’m tired of trying to fix the lawn I have. I religiously fertilized and weeded for 8 years. Then, I heard about dethatchers and I did that the fall of 2009. The start of spring 2010 the lawn looked great, but by the end of the year it looked crapier than ever. I am going to start over by laying down new sod. IS IT OK TO AERATE THE YARD BEFORE SODDING? And what about putting down a weed control before sodding?
GolfSuper – posted 24 March 2011 11:10
Aerating before sodding could be a great plan. It will create air space for your roots of the new sod.
It is also ok to apply a pre-emergent before sodding. The pre-emergent herbicide will create a barrier on the soil surface that will prohibit broadleaf weeds such as crabgrass and goosegrass from germinating.
Hope this helps, any other questions, feel free to email me.
-Perry Whaley Owner, ConsultantGreen Fa*************@gr***********.net
WynnLawn – posted 09 October 2011 21:05
Aerating plays an essential part in any lawn. Here is some really good information about proper lawn care maintenance and core aeration in specific. Wynn’s Intensive Lawn Care
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