
Bermuda vs. St. Augustine

Bermuda vs. St. Augustine

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cris b – posted 08 March 2005 02:19

OK… now I’m officially confused. I’m getting ready to put in a new lawn in my yard and I have two male dogs. They typically “spread it around” but which grass is better for withstanding dog urine? Bermuda or St. Augustine? I’ve read conflicting studies on Bermuda grass. Some say it’s the worst urine-resistant and some say it’s great. Help! I’m realistic. I know it’s not going to look perfect with 2 dogs but I would like it to look decent. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.

Buck – posted 08 March 2005 09:40

We have three dogs that regularly relieve themselves throughout the summer on our bermuda turff; 419 and GN. Never a spot. But, our neighbor’s dog will leave a spot every time. So, it is obvious that different dogs have different chemistry. How do you know the chemestry of your dog? I have no idea, but the dog next door is the only one we have a problem with, and we have lots of visitors throughout the summer. The dog next door, by the way, leaves her mark no matter what type of truf. Potent stuff, but I think somewhat rare.

Also, we mow our turf at about 7/16ths and use a shovel, not pointed – square leading edge, to clear the solid waste. Just sits right up there like a golf ball, slide the shovel under them and dispose.

ted – posted 08 March 2005 19:28

yeah, i think it has to do with the quality of the lawn and how you maintain it. buck obviously has a nice lawn, and understands that a lawn and dogs can easily co-exist.

kent – posted 13 March 2005 17:06

I have a yellow lab who I generally put out into our relatively small fenced St. Augustine back yard every evening and morning to do his thing. I’ve never seen any damage to the St. Augustine in any part of the yard, however he did kill some dwarf yaupon hollies that I had by the front mailbox by repetitively peeing on them.

I keep a shovel in the back yard to scoop up the turds and fling them over the fence into the vacant wooded lot next door that is full of weeds and brambles.

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