
How do I Overseeding St. Augustine

How do I Overseeding St. Augustine

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jeffogden – posted 02 March 2006 13:48

Good afternoon,

I’m trying to restart my lawn due to some drought and poor watering conditions. I currently have a backyard that has St. Augustine that is completely dead. I would like to plant a different type of grass in place of the St. Augustine and would like some suggestions on what steps I shoudl perform to get this task completed. I live in Ft. Worth, Texas and water is a concern lately. I was also wondering what kind of grass that I should plant that has good drought tolerence, good traffic tolerence (Dogs) and that can survive in shade as well as sun. I have looked at the Sun & Shade mix that Scotts offeres. Anyway suggestions for a first time lawn care person.


wrangler – posted 02 March 2006 16:10

Scotts Sun & Shade is a blend of Perennial Ryegrass, Kentucky Bluegrass and Creeping Red Fescue which are cool season grasses. It will work well in the shade but if your are concerned about drough tollerance I would lean toward bermudagrass in the Texas heat. There are several good seeded bermudas available but they will not grow well in the shade.

Good Luck….

wadevl – posted 20 March 2006 18:10

ive got 2 very active dogs419 is great, no worn paths, it heals and corrects itself very quicklyrequires less water than St AUG

But it needs SUN, you have lots of trees?,ST Aug does the best in shady areas, but’NOT as durable as a Hybrid Bermuda

so you have to think about that

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