
What will green up my bermuda?

What will green up my bermuda?

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my 5 – posted 07 June 2006 15:35

What can I use on bermuda grass/bahia to make the bermuda greener. I dont particularly like bahia, will the bermuda eventually take over or vice versa? Thanks!

Grassguy – posted 11 June 2006 01:33

have you ever performed a soil analysis to check the NPK and PH of the soil? It is not advised to just go throwing fert on the lawn without knowing whats already there. Bermuda loves nitrogen,(21-0-0) 34-0-0,etc. To much phosphorus ties up the zinc and iron to the grass plant. potassium promotes drought and cold hardiness/tolerance. Bahia is similar in charistic to bermuda, it has extensive stolon and rhizomes, excellent drought tolerance due to its extensive roots, bahia has better shade tolerance than bermuda. bahia hates saline soils. proper soil PH for any turfgrass plant is key for nutrient uptake/availability.

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