
lawn sprinklers and tree damage

lawn sprinklers and tree damage

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drwood@rxnatural.net – posted 27 May 2003 16:07

The stream from my water sprinkling system is driving bark from my trees. The sprinkler contractor says that it is not possible for this to happen. The trees are about 8-10 feet from the trees and the damaged areas are where the water hits.


wdrake – posted 27 May 2003 19:31

You must have some water pressure. Pealing bark at 8 feet doesn’t sound possible, but you are there and I’m not. If you are sure that you’ve correctly identified the problem, there are only two suggestions that come to mind. (1) Move the trees or (2) Move the sprinklers.

acucount – posted 21 May 2011 00:05

I am not sure about this. I have 2 trees in my front yard that seem to be rotting at the exact spot where the sprinklers are partially aimed. My theory is that over time the bark on the trees becomes excessively and continuously moist creating rot on the trunk. This then allows for insects etc to get in there and do further damage. Can these trees be saved? I can post pictures and am curious if they can be saved. They are least about 30 to 50 years old and would be missed.

BestPriceTree – posted 10 October 2011 14:07

Proper watering plays an very important part in correct tree maintenance and you need to make sure you don’t over do it. Learn more about it here, Best Price Tree Service

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