
Pesticide and Fungicide on new Seville?

Pesticide and Fungicide on new Seville?

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JimnKim – posted 31 May 2003 05:34

Newly sodded Central Florida yard, how long should I wait before applying fungicides and pesticides? I understand that Seville is more susceptible to these problems? Especially in 30-40% shade.

certified-in-florida – posted 31 May 2003 22:02

Hi Jim,

I can’t comment on the “I love you s”, but as far as putting pesticides on your turf, here’s what I think.

First of all, I would only apply a fungicide if there is a need to. You don’t mention in your post that you are having any problems. So, right off the bat, I would say no to the fungicide based on your post.

As far as insecticide, I feel much the same; however, I do feel there is more room for “preventative” treatment. If it were my lawn (which is the only way I can advise anyone), I would not apply anything until I have a need to with the exception of fertilizer and that would not be applied until the turf is well established (cut a couple of times).

The best thing you can do is make sure to cut it properly and water it properly. If you do those two things correctly, you will have very few problems needing fungicide to correct. . .or herbicides either for that matter. Seville has different cutting recommendations than some other varieties, so make sure to cut it right.

Shade will also play an important role in the application of pesticides too.

I’ll be interested to hear what some of the other people will say.

At any rate, good luck with your new lawn.


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