
Power Company Ruined My Grass..Help me get it back to good health!! (Tampa…FL)

Power Company Ruined My Grass..Help me get it back to good health!! (Tampa…FL)

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TaraDep – posted 29 July 2002 11:17

Hi, The local power company ripped up half of my front yard (which is small to begin with) and then the water company ripped up another spot later that week. After many days of fueding, they put down what they say is FLoratam (but i am not sure)..it was not put over top of any top soil, just the sand…i wasnt home to supervise, but saw only sand when i pulled and looked under one of the new pieces. Here is my dilemma. The new sod they placed appears to be ok, is green and is growing: HOWEEVER, the sod next to the pieces they originally dug up appears to be browning. Any ideas why or what i can do? I can send pics to anyone if needed. Thanks. I have worked so hard to get my yard looking good and i would like to keep it that way..any comments or suggestions are appreciated.

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