
St. Aug vs. Palisades Zoysia

St. Aug vs. Palisades Zoysia

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RLines – posted 05 June 2005 11:24

If you have the time and courage to establish it, check out Palisades Zoysia. What I mean by courage is that it takes some time to establish. Your neighbors might wonder why you spent almost double St. Aug to get what looks like crap when sodded.

Believe me, Palisades Zoysia looks 100% better than St. Aug. It grows vertically and is more dense. It’s blades are medium sized not the fine variety that some Zoysia’s are. I think, when established, it looks like a neater, thicker, straighter St. Aug.

My opinion.

I have both. St. Aug in Front Yard and Zoysia in Back. Zoysia requires more time so if you have a big yard, I would say forget it. You need to dethatch it every once in a while.

Like I said, ONCE ESTABLISHED, you mow it 50% less, it looks better, uses less water, and is generally pleasing to walk on and look at.

Medium bladed Zoysias are decendents from the Z-52 strain. Otherwise called Meyer. They include Palisades and El Toro as improvements of Meyer.

Tungsten33333 – posted 05 June 2005 12:00

Well which variety of SA do you have? Palmetto is pretty nice looking grasses compared to other SA. Its drawf SA type so you can mow a bit lower at 2-2.5 inches high compared to minimum 3 inches for others. Also you forgot about EMPIRE zoysia. Check it out at www.sodsolutions.com. Sounds pretty similiar to the zoysia grasses that you have.

RLines – posted 13 June 2005 22:17

I have not seen Empire personally, although the pictures I have seen and it looks like a slightly thicker blade. From what I have read, it also is a good Zoysia choice (for semi-tropical climates).

I have Palmetto. It is very thick, very green. Regardless of the improvements (which this is one of the most improved varieties) it still responds poorly to drought compared to just about any other turfgrass. Not saying it isn’t improved, but with St. Aug, it’s just one of those things with drought.

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