
Considering Bermuda Sod

Considering Bermuda Sod

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sdmeck – posted 30 August 2004 12:31

Recently moved into new home in Charlotte and I am considering getting Bermuda. Want to sod the enite yard. Any suggestions on preparing the lot for sod. Yard is approx .3 acres. Would a irragation system be necessary? I know bermuda is a heat tolerant grass so how much water is required? Any suggestions helpful.

ted – posted 30 August 2004 20:47

don’t recommend bermuda that far north. also don’t recommend sodding a warm weather grass this late in the season- stick with your local ncsu turf school and go with fescue.

Dchall_San_Antonio – posted 03 September 2004 12:06

And furthermore, bermuda requires just as much water as the other grasses if you want it to look nice. The only reason to use bermuda might be that you refuse to water at all. If that is the case, bermuda will go dormant rather than die from lack of water. It will return to punch out from among the weeds that sprouted when the bermuda thinned out.

Buck – posted 07 September 2004 16:19

Chapel Hill is north of you, I live there and have enjoyed my 419 turf for more than 10 years. Ted is just flat wrong about NC being too far north; check out any of 50 golf courses in your area including Pinehurst #2 — all with bermuda and looking great.

ted – posted 07 September 2004 18:38

yeah, with bermuda you’re just not seeing the green long enough. most of my homeowners want green year around- i can guarantee you those golf courses you mentioned have overseeded with ryegrass! there’s no reason, with proper maintenance, that you can’t have a green fescue lawn in the summmertime. check ncsu website out.

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