
New Lawn

New Lawn

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JBernard – posted 26 July 2004 10:38

I am building a new home and have chosen Floritan for my yard. Is there anything that I can do to ensure the grass takes root well? Fertilizer/Watering?????

When should I first cut?

I have had Floritan with previous homes and had many issues with critters. (crab grass,etc..) Should I start to spray right away for these types of things?


Dchall_San_Antonio – posted 03 September 2004 12:12

Your grass is probably already in, but for the next reader, follow these instructions.

1. Water deeply and infrequently. Deeply means at least an hour in every zone, all at once. Infrequently means monthly during the cool months and no more than weekly during the hottest part of summer. If your grass looks dry before the month/week is up, water longer next time. Deep watering grows deep, drought resistant roots. Infrequent watering allows the top layer of soil to dry completely which kills off many shallow rooted weeds.

2. Mow at the highest setting on your mower. Most grasses are the most dense when mowed tall. Bermuda, centipede, and bent grasses are the most dense when mowed at the lowest setting on your mower. Dense grass shades out weeds and uses less water when tall. Dense grass feeds the deep roots you’re developing in 1 above.

3. Fertilize regularly. I fertilize 4 times per year using organic fertilizer. Which fertilizer you use is much less important than numbers 1 and 2 above.

If you have insects, beneficial nematodes will wipe out 250 species of pests.

Cut when the grass reaches the highest setting on your mower.

Don’t spray anything but beneficial nematodes. If you follow 1 and 2 above, your crabgrass should go away next season.

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