
Preparing My Yard for St. Aug Sod

Preparing My Yard for St. Aug Sod

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First Lawn – posted 28 September 2003 15:06

My wife and I just bought our first house in Jacksonville, Fl. The builder provided partial sod and it’s up to me to get the rest in.

Here is my question: The un-sodded part of my yard has weeds growing in it. Some people are telling me to till it up before laying sod and others are telling me it doesn’t matter.

What is best?

ted – posted 28 September 2003 16:25

i would wait until the spring. your sod will do better in the spring- just put out some ryegrass on the lawn and enjoy and green lawn this winter- but whether you’re seeding or sodding use a non selective herbicide like Roundup first

wdrake – posted 28 September 2003 19:28

Here is an article that outlines what the experts at the University of Florida suggest:http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/LH012

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