
Uneven ground/bermuda lawn

Uneven ground/bermuda lawn

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jfagan – posted 23 June 2003 21:17

I guess my yard wasn’t as evenly landscaped as I thought when we installed a hybrid bermuda sod. 1 year later, our lawn is tremendously uneven. Some parts of the bermuda are tightly pressed to the ground with little new vertical growth, some areas are soft and lush, while others have very dense thatch, but very lush appearance. Even at the lowest setting, the rotary mower does not cut all of it, it is so uneven. There is about 1,000 square feet that needs some serious leveling help. What are my options, or at least the best way to go about evening out my lawn. Any help is appreciated.

Dchall_San_Antonio – posted 27 June 2003 23:39

If you have a low spot that is 1,000 square feet, you would need 1 cubic yard of sand to raise that low spot by 1/3 of an inch. I’m assuming your 1,000 square feet patch is more mixed than evenly depressed. Surely you know where your low spots are by now, so you could start by putting 1/3 inch of sand in those spots every week until you can’t tell what’s low any more. The week in between will give the grass a chance to grow up through the sand. Then the roots and general litter will fill the sand with organic material and build your soil. Sand can actually become pretty darned good soil if you do it right.

Use a push broom to sweep the sand off the grass blades. Even a small amount of sand can smother grass if left too long.

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