
Help!! 1 year sod on poor soil bed?

Help!! 1 year sod on poor soil bed?

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kirbydog – posted 30 May 2003 15:03

We moved into a new home last Feb ’02 in central Iowa. Our home in a rear yard walk out. The turf is Rye and Kentucky Blue. The sod was laid over compact clay at the walk-out level with no apparent topsoil dressing. The front of the yard was laid over a very similar bed as the rear. Last summer we experienced summer patch and poor turf establishment. This spring the turf looks like #$@%. It is again patchy with poor development. We have mowed once so far this year, though our neighbors have mowed many times. We aerated last fall and this spring, as with over-seeding and a fertilizer program. We have been in contact with our builder, but they are dragging their feet. WHAT CAN WE DO TO SAVE THIS TURF!

certified-in-florida – posted 30 May 2003 20:41


Based on what I remember from a few years ago dealing with the rye/blue mix, it sounds like you are doing about all there is. The only other possible suggestion may be to spread – very lightly – a layer of topsoil over the top of the turf. As usual, the term for this is at the tip of my tongue but won’t come out! Ah yes – top-dressing! If you decide to do this, I would suggest talking to a garden center for advice.

Aeration, overseeding and top-dressing is about all I could suggest except starting over!

Good luck,


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