
Grass Type

Grass Type

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jbuckley – posted 24 April 2003 11:53

I need to know the best type of turf for my yard. I will be starting from seed, probably some time in May. I believe I live in Zone 10 (Los Angeles). I am about 2 miles from the Ocean, so it stays around 60 degrees in the winter, and 70-75 degrees in the summer, sometimes a little hotter. I am installing an irrigation system, and would like to water twice a week (20 minutes at a time, +/- .08 GPM per SF) if I can get by with that little. I have children, and spend a lot of time outside, so I need a turf that is durable. My yard is mostly open so there is minimal shade. I think I have bermuda now, and don’t like it because it creeps into my flower beds. Also, someone in my neighborhood said that everything eventually turns to something called Devil Grass. I don’t know if this is even a species (I could not find it in the Western Garden Book). If it is, do I need to worry?

[This message has been edited by jbuckley (edited 24 April 2003).]

ted – posted 24 April 2003 13:35

you’re probably looking at tall fescue- but i think you’re going to have to rethink your watering schedule depending upon the size of the lawn area. I’m aware of your watering restrictions, they can be tough.

jbuckley – posted 25 April 2003 11:17

Thanks for the advice Ted. What about the devil grass

ted – posted 25 April 2003 20:03

i have no idea what devil grass is! one of the first things you learn in the business is that there are at least 50 names for each weed, not even including the slang layman’terms.

redbird – posted 28 April 2003 11:15

Devil grass is unwanted common bermudagrass (if you want it, it’s “my lawn!”)Mike

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