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BP – posted 21 May 2001 16:04

I live in NJ and have zoysiagrass. I’ve used Scotts Winterizer and thatched it. This year its not looking as thick and weeds are coming through. Can Scotts combination fertilizer/weedkillers damage it? Also, my cat got a mole in the yard. Could insects be eating the zoysia roots? I,m not sure if its one of these problems or the thatching. I used to be cushiony but not anymore. Help!

wdrake – posted 21 May 2001 17:49

Thatching removed the cushiony feel. It (the cushiony feel) will return as the grass fills in.

Weed and Feed and thatching at the same time may have been too much stress on the grass and the cause of the problem.

Billbugs like zoysiagrass and may be attracking the moles. Almost any insecticide will work e.g., Sevin, Oftanol, Dursaban etc.

zoysia eliminate please – posted 21 April 2003 10:23

I moved into a new house last fall. This spring i have noticed spots of zoysia grass in the yard. It is not the right climate in northern indiana to grow zoysia successfully except 2-3 months a year. I know it will continue to spread. How do I get rid of this grass? Is there a fertilizer or something that zoysia doesnt like so I can get rid of it? Do I have to cut it out by hand? Help…

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